I read the ad in the paper cautiously, ” Relocation Astrology: Are You Living Where You Belong?” I pondered that for a few moments. I was really in a rut. I’d been in the same job for years and I was literally spinning my wheels.
I decided to sign up for the course. The first night I felt slightly nauseous as I entered the room ready to begin my course. I sat down in the back and began to take a few notes.
Naturally, just my luck, the teacher noticed me and asked me to step to the front of the room to do an exercise with another student. I was immediately nervous but stepped forward.
Everyone had their own astrology world chart and another chart with lines running up and down a map. We were learning about the meanings of the planets and how certain planets can make a place to live happy or difficult. Then the teacher began to ask what our goals were. As I began the exercise I threw caution to the wind and participated fully. After the teacher had me sit back down I realized, it wasn’t as scary as I had thought it would be. I actually felt better.
The teacher then took us through a check-list of what seemed like hundreds of questions. The more I answered the braver I became. Unbeknownst to me, I was becoming self-aware. We all had to find our Jupiter line, the place that would bring us the best luck. We shared where our Venus line was, which country or state. Someone even admitted to having a love affair when they were living on their Venus line for the summer. The I discover I was living on my Saturn line, no wonder my self-esteem was low and getting ahead was hard.
The more I focused on what I really wanted, the more I knew that I wanted something different in my life. I applied for a new job. At the interview, I was poised and positive.
When the interviewer told me that they actually had 2 openings I was even more excited. One opening was at the building I was interviewing at and the other one was in a town that I had always loved.
The interviewer told me that she felt I was perfect for the job in the other town. I was elated. The self-awareness class had prepared me in oh so many ways for my new life.
I accepted a job offer a week later and gave notice where I was at. I quickly located a nice apartment and the company actually moved me. It was the best decision I had ever made.
I had a new apartment in my dream town. I had a new job and a great new life. No more rut. The self-awareness course was the best decision I’d made in years.
I was finally brave enough to step out of my rut and into a life that has much more to offer me. Sometimes, sitting where you’re comfortable is a rut, you have to step out and do what you know is right for you and make a better decision about your life.